Technology is changing fast.

Every day, distinct IT solutions appear with new features and capabilities. 

These new technologies can provide an enormous amount of value in the correct business case. It's common to read successful business cases of big technology companies relying on artificial intelligence to determine how and when to fulfill their warehouses for future customer needs.

Non-technology organizations started with the feeling that they are staying behind in this new technological wave. This awareness is causing non-strategical and reactive efforts to integrate these state of art solutions that often result in failed attempts and bad experiences. 

New technologies such as Artificial Intelligence or Machine Learning created high expectations, but successful cases in non-technology smaller organizations are few. 


Now, technology is more accessible than ever before. It's possible to deploy a functional chatbot solution on a web page in hours at a low cost, create a Machine Learning Model in weeks. 

The real challenge is not technological is strategical. 

In this new era, every organization must take advantage of its uniqueness to offer different solutions. 

There's not a blueprint to follow on how to take benefit of the business integration of these new technologies. What worked on Spotify probably will not work on a non-technological organization with fewer resources and users. 

Every organization must create its unique success path through deploying simple controlled test solutions that begin an iteration process of improvement and robustness.

According to ATLATL expertise, these are some key points to consider toward catching the most of this new technology wave.

Start now and small.
Choose one painful problem and solve it with these new technologies. Look for fast ROI and low risk. Use every opportunity to learn about these technologies, the organization's operations, and the possible synergy.

Be flexible.
Trust results. Other organizations' business cases are valuable references, but belief in your organization triumphs. If one solution does not provide the desired outcomes, proceed to experiment with another. Be aware of extended contractual obligations.

It's possible to obtain returns fast, but it is not usual. All organization levels must trust in the benefits of these new technologies taking into account the required effort and change. Never cease the iteration process is the fundamental factor to victories. 

Organizational efforts.
Reliable business integration requires organizational changes. Every member of the organization must be part of the efforts to build these digital organizations. Most of the attempts will result in benefits for collaborators, but some will require some controlled pain. This pain is temporal, belief in future results. 

Being bold and open to testing new technologies in controlled environments, in the long run, will provide a unique success path for your organization.